Liquidambar styraciflua
Plant Description
Upright growing, deciduous tree with a rather narrow spread and star shaped leaves that produce a spectacular fall color blending yellow, orange and red. Often used along streets and boulevards for it's controlled spread. Also produces a unique fruit shaped like a spiked ball which can be a nuisance on walkways and driveways. Consider the fruitless variety to avoid these. 'Slender Silhouette' Sweetgum is a narrow, columnar shaped variety.
Plant Details
Pros: Upright, fall color, boulevard tree
Cons: Drops spiked balls as fruit
Size: 50-60'' ht., 20-30' spread
Light: Sun/ Part Shade
Bloom Color: None
Fall Color: Red, orange, yellow
Water Needs: Normal
Similar Plants: Fruitless Swetgum, 'October Glory' Maple