Albizia julibrissin
Plant Description
Deciduous tree with delicate and finely textured leaves and drooping form. Feathery pink blooms during the summer but mostly considered a trash tree that is not used much due to it's short life span and shallow root system, but has a sentimental, southern feel to many. Enjoy them in someone else's yard if you see one and refrain from planting them in yours. Also has 'bean-like' see pod that drops.
Plant Details
- Pros: Delicate texture, pink blooms
- Cons: Trash tree, short lived, shallow roots
- Deciduous
- Size: 20' height, 20-30' spread
- Light: Sun
- Bloom Color: Pink
- Fall Color: None
- Water Needs: High
- Similar Plants: Flameleaf Sumac, Mesquite Tree