Ilex decidua
Plant Description
Often called Possumhaw Holly, Deciduous Holly is a deciduous, ornamental tree that is native to North America. Closely resembling the Yaupon Holly tree, because of its distinctive leaf shape and form, it is less distinguishable than other species, but most recognizable for it's bright red berries during the winter season.
This tree is a small deciduous tree that gorws to a height of 15-25 feet and has a spread of 15-20 feet. It has a thin, smooth and grayish brown bark and the leaves are glossy, oval, and dark green in color and turn yellow during the fall. Small clusters of flowers appear in spring. The flowers are both male and females which are short-stalked and greenish white with 4 petals. The tree develops white flowers in late spring and orange or red berries on female plants. A well-drained soil with average moisture is generally preferred for its nourishment.
Plant Details
Pros: Winter berries, no pruning is required
Cons: Parts of plant are poisonous if ingested
Size: 15-20 ft. spread, 20-30 ft. height
Light: Full sun, partly shade
Bloom Color: White
Fall Color: None
Water Needs: Low-Normal
Similar Plants: Yaupon Holly