Fatsia japonica
Plant Description
Aralias are large leafed, evergreen shade shrubs for Dallas that provide nice texture and tropical look for shady areas. Aralia is a native plant of Asia and America and most of the species of Aralia are found in the mountain regions. Aralia must have shady conditions and protection from the sun and range in size between 4-6' wide and 5-8' in height at maturity.
The leaves of Aralia plant can be lacy, rounded or spinach shaped and clustered at their ends. Adequate watering is essential for aralia but overwatering can kill the plant. Also, if not cared for, Aralia can quickly drop leaves. Aralia can be sensitive to harsh winters that occur occasionally here in Dallas.
Aralia can be used as an indoor plant and is best suited for warm, humid rooms when used inside. Pruning the tips of aralia will promote the growth of fresh leaves and will help maintain its lush appearance.
Plant Details
Pros: Evergreen, shady areas, tropical look,, nice leaf texture and scale
Cons: Needs shade, sensitive to cold
Size: 6-8' height, 4+6' spread
Light: Shade
Bloom Color: None
Fall Color: None
Water Needs: Low-Normal
Similar Plants: Aspidistra, Hosta